A tool quality suite to help the developers to maintain health and code evolution

Why we use the medicine metaphor?

In software development, developers use many metaphors. Metaphor is one of the practices of eXtreme Programming (XP), and we love XP!

The doctor uses his training, methods, techniques, and tools to arrive more assertively in the diagnosis of diseases. It uses a lot of information, often coming from support tools (laboratory tests, imaging diagnosis, among others)....


Your Source Code Health is Our Priority

Our community provides support materials and tutorials, as well as other references that help the developer in his daily work

Materials & References

Our Tools

drtools-code health

An interactive and CLI tool for detecting symptoms (a.k.a. smells) and prioritizing code elements more diseased to support code analysis



A CLI tool for measuring the health of your source code


drtools-metric visualization

A tool that graphs data generated by drtools-metric
